  • 1 我室名誉主任,我国著名计算机科学家,南京大学教授、博士生导师徐家福先生于2018年1月16日10时在南京不幸逝世,享年94岁。
  • 2 我室在2017年信息领域国家重点实验室评估中获评优秀类实验室!

学术报告(Takashi Washio)

题目:Discovering causal structures using non-Gaussian structural equation models

报告人:Takashi Washio
Professor,The Institute of Scientific and Industrial Research,Osaka University



Structural equation models (SEMs) are widely used to model data generating
processes or causal relations. However, its identifiability is not ensured
within the modeling framework based on Gaussianity of the data. Recently, a
non-Gaussian framework has been shown to be useful for discovering SEMs. In
this talk, under given data strictly following the model, we introduce a new
non-Gaussian estimation method guaranteed to converge to a unique model in a
fixed number of steps without any algorithmic parameters.

Takashi Washio is an associate professor in the division of Intelligent
Systems Science at the Institute of Scientific and Industrial Research of
Osaka University since 1996. Before joining the university, he had been a
visiting researcher of Nuclear reactor laboratory of Massachusetts Institute
of Technology (MIT) from 1988 to 1990 and a researcher in Mitsubishi Research
Institute from 1990 to 1996. His current main interest is the development of
the theories and the algorithms for the automated discovery of first principle
 equations from numerical data and the development of the theories and the
algorithms for complete search to extract frequent patterns from graph
structured data. He received hid Bs, Ms, and PhD degree in nuclear engineering
 from Tohoku University, and he has been a research affiliate of MIT since he
left MIT. He is now on the editorial board of New Generation Computing. He is
a member of AAAI, JSAI, IPSJ, JSFTS, and SICE. He received the JSAI best paper
 awards from Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence (2001) and the Best
Paper Awards of AESJ from Atomic Energy Society of Japan (1996).

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