题目: Independent component analysis for non-independent sources and nonlinear mixtures 报告人:Kun Zhang Postdoctoral fellow Chinese University of Hong Kong 时间:6月17日,上午10:30-11:30 地点:蒙民伟楼404会议室 摘要:Independent component analysis (ICA) is a powerful statistical technique for finding hidden and meaningful sources underlying the observations. Genera lly it assumes that the sources are mutually independent and linearly mixed. T his greatly limits the application of ICA for many real-world problems. In thi s talk, I extend ICA to admit non-independent sources or nonlinear mixtures. F irst, I consider the subband decomposition ICA (SDICA) model, which relaxes th e independence assumption by assuming that sources are independent only in som e frequency subbands, and show its separability. An adaptive method for SDICA is then presented. The relationship of SDICA to overcomplete ICA is also discu ssed. Next, I present the “minimal nonlinear distortion” (MND) principle to tackle the inherent ill-posedness of nonlinear ICA. MND prefers the solution w ith the mixing procedure close to linear. As an application, nonlinear ICA wit h MND is used to discover the linear causal relations among major stocks in Ho ng Kong. 简历:Zhang Kun is currently a postdoctoral fellow in Department of Computer S cience and Engineering at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. He is also work ing in Department of Mathematics, Hong Kong Baptist University, as a visiting scholar. From 1996 to 2001, he studied for the Bachelor degree in Automation a t University of Science and Technology of China. He received his Ph.D degree i n Computer Science from the Chinese University of Hong Kong in 2005. He was t he organizer of special session on independent component analysis at ICONIP 20 06, and has been serving as a reviewer for TSP, TNN, Quantitative Finance, Neu rocomputing, etc. His research interests include multivariate statistics, spar se coding, high-dimensional statistical learning, and computational finance. |